What is this you might ask... A dog Snuggie!! I know we've seen the commercials and we know how funny they are, and now I have one more dog to add to the snuggie sensation.. Bella!!\

Now that i have some time on my hands since school is out for the semester, I have decided to catch up on my reading, the first book that I finished was the Lost Symbol, such a good page turner, I highly recommend it!

Now that i have some time on my hands since school is out for the semester, I have decided to catch up on my reading, the first book that I finished was the Lost Symbol, such a good page turner, I highly recommend it!

The next book that I started is called the Hunger Games. It is the first book in the series. A friend recommended it to me and it is quite good. It is an easy read and also a page turner.
And last but not least my new favorite movie... 500 days of summer. So good!

And last but not least my new favorite movie... 500 days of summer. So good!

ALso.. Brian has a lot of free time on his hands because he just finished his Masters in Business!! Good job babe I'm so proud of you!!