Its Sunday night updating my blog and thought that I needed to vent. Allthough I'm not one to spill my inner feelings often, I decided to share it with all. Brian is gone on a Business trip and so I'm left alone here in the house with only Bella. St. George is feeling more like home every day. Moving here was a challenge for me at first because that ment starting over somewhere new. The job market was hard to get into but now I am happy and settled in my job(most of the time) and have made some really good friends here that I have the feeling will be mine for a lifetime.
Recently we moved to a new ward and we are the youngest couple in there. It was a change because I had gotten used to our college ward and all the friends there. With being the youngest in the ward, we are the only ones that don't have children. Brian and I have been trying to have kids for about a year, and have had some complications. So for the first couple of times going, I have left Church feeling down in the dumps. I then get over it and move on... so with that said I have been down with feelings of self pitty and discouragement.... I felt so sick of going to the doctors, not having any family around, and no really close friends to turn to or talk to....
But today was a revelation to me... I started to realize that my heavenly father loves and that he knows what is best for me. I started to count my blessings and not feel so bad for myself. Life is so GOOD! I have been wasting so much time worrying about my health and my future! I now have been enjoying time RIGHT NOW! and life is so much better this way! I'm so excited to enjoy this time with Brian and am so blessed for his love and understanding to me.
Someone once told me before I got married that "The person you marry will decide on your future happines.." I agree and am so glad I married the right guy that is so smart and talented. I'm so excited for the upcoming year... I have a feeling its going to be a good one:)